Y12 SR stands for Yoga of 12 Step Recovery. It combines the wisdom of yoga with the practical tools of the 12 steps program. It was founded by Nikki Meyers, who like many yogis in recovery recognized the parallels between the ancient wisdom of the yoga sutras and the 12-steps that are practiced in self-help meetings around the world. Many people in recovery from various addictions have found that yoga is helpful in being re-connected to their mind, body, and spirit. Addiction is centeredon disconnection and is often considered a spiritual, mental, and physical disease. In recovery, we work to get re-connected. Yoga means “to yoke” or union and through the physical, spiritual, and mental practice we begin to re-connect to our true self.
What should I expect in a Y12SR meeting? Y12SR begins with a group-sharing circle where attendees are able to talk about their own recovery successes and challenges and relate it to the 12 steps. It is an all-recovery meeting, so attendees may be in recovery from chemical or behavioral addiction of any type or affected by the addiction of another person. After sharing, the yogis “take it to the mat” for meditation and the physical practice that allows us to strengthen and heal. Y12SR can be part of a relapse prevention program and is based on the Yoga Sutra 2.16, “Future Suffering Can Be Avoided”.
Come join Patti Agatston, RYT200 and certified Y12SR Leader on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month at SOL Yoga! Meetings are from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Meetings are donation based.
For more information about Y12SR: https://y12sr.com/about